Radio Maria Canada

From Hands Of Abuse To Arms Of Love With Verna Haywood


Verna Haywood fled an abusive relationship in Trinidad with just £100 and a suitcase and came to the UK in 1997 determined to be the voice for women in similar situations who have yet to find their own strength. She is the Founder of health and wellness business, La Vie, which means life, where she empowers and inspires women. At La Vie, Verna uses the seven pillars of health and wellness to Rebalance, Restore and Renew women to enable them to live a life of wholeness. Verna’s method combines a holistic approach to re-establish harmony between body, mind and soul. It draws on the principles she learned growing up on the island of Grenada, in the Caribbean, using nature and seasonal produce to feed, sustain and medicate to ensure a healthy, balanced life. Verna is the original spice girl from the Island of Spice. She now lives in Dorset, on the south coast of England, with her husband and is the author of the upcoming book, Unstoppable – How to Live an Empowered Life. Learning points: Verna’s story of abuse and how she found the strength to leave and cultivate a new life for herself Why self-forgiveness is the starting point of healing Verna’s 7 pillars of health Social Media:



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 34.88MB - Duration: 50:48 m (96 kbps 44100 Hz)